Medicine and Allied Health > Medicine
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ISBN: 9781496353450
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Availability: In Stock
Author: Lynn S. Bickley
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2017
New to the eighth edition: *Text boxes help readers quickly find important summaries of clinical conditions and other relevant information.* Many new and updated photographs and illustrations support the text, and figures are now numbered for easy identification and reference.* Rewritten chapter on evaluating clinical evidence clarifies key concepts to ensure student understanding.* Revised and expanded chapter on the skin, hair, and nails includes new dermatology photographs and provides the framework for assessing common lesions and abnormalities.* Updated behavior and mental status chapter now references DSM-5.*Significantly revised information on obesity and nutrition counseling; cardiovascular risk factor screening and new clinical guidelines; new screening guidelines for breast cancer, colon cancer, Papanicolau smears, and stroke risk factors; current information on STIs; new geriatric assessment tools; and much more provide essential clinical updates.*New life-cycle content includes an increased emphasis on cardiovascular health promotion and child development; updated pregnancy topics such as weight gain, substance abuse, and intimate partner violence; and new information on the older adult, including frailty, immunizations, cancer screening, cognitive decline and dementia screening, and a new algorithm for falls prevention.