Medicine and Allied Health > Allied Health Sciences
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ISBN: 9789719801757
Delivery: Metro Manila 3 to 5 days, Others 5 to 10 days Pandemic Delay in Delivery
Availability: In Stock
Author: Eduardo G. Gonzales
Publisher: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Edition: 5
Copyright: 2014
Esteban and Gonzales'''''''''''''''' Textbook of Histology is currently the only Filipino-authored book on the subject that has undergone multiple editions. The fifth edition is the latest, most comprehensive, and updated version of the textbook yet. Written by Dr. Eduardo G. Gonzales, known for his best-selling Medicine for All series, the book features: 20 COMPLETELY REWRITTEN CHAPTERS that present the most current knowledge and accepted standards in medical histology in a highly organized and easy-to-understand manner MORE THAN 300 COLORED PHOTOMICROGRAPHS, electron micrographs, illustrations, and diagrams Primarily designed for medical students, this data-loaded volume which contains all the "must-know" information in histology will serve as a useful textbook and reference material for students of medicine, nursing, biology, and other health sciences courses.