Higher Education > Business

Business for Society: AIM-DLSU Case Book 2018

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ISBN: 9789719811565

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Author: Raymund Habaradas, John Paolo Rivera, Fernando Martin Roxas

Publisher: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2019


140 pieces available
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Business for Society: AIM-DLSU Case Book 2018 is the outcome of the collaborative efforts of the faculty members and researchers of De La Salle University (DLSU)-Center for Business Research and Development (CBRD) and the Asian Institute of Management (AIM)-Dr. Andrew L. Tan Center for Tourism (ALT-CFT). This case folio aims to sharpen the skills of business students in analyzing concepts, solving problems, and making decisions through the use of various business cases. The cases in this book prompt students to craft strategic and realistic decisions by exposing them to actual management and business situations. This folio strives to develop the competencies of the next generation of business leaders.

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