Medicine and Allied Health > Nursing

Community and Public Health Nursing, Philippine Edition

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ISBN: 9789814865036

Delivery: Metro Manila 3 to 5 days, Others 5 to 10 days Pandemic Delay in Delivery

Availability: In Stock

Author: Mary A. Nies, Melanie Mcewen, Earl Francis R Sumile (Adaptin g Editor)

Publisher: Elsevier

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2020


1368 pieces available
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Building on the success and strengths of the first Philippine edition previously known as "Nursing Care of the Community", this second edition is now fully updated and revised based on the new standards set out in CMO no. 15 of the Commission on Higher Education. This comprehensive textbook has been renamed as "Community and Public Health Nursing" to reflect the addition of new contents on global health and public health nursing in this edition. o Six new chapters " ? Health: An Evolving Concept " ? Public Health Nursing and Other Community Health Nursing Fields " ? Health Education and Literacy " ? Global Health and Advocating for Health Equity " ? Data Privacy in Philippine Public Health " ? Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) o Includes a timely discussion on emerging infectious diseases, in particular the global public health emergency of 2020 involving COVID-19 o Updated information on Philippine healthcare delivery system reflecting changes required by the Universal Health Care Law (Republic Act 11223) o End-of-chapter review questions to reinforce understanding and facilitate preparation for Philippine Nursing Licensure Exam (PNLE)

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